Fruits and Berries

//Fruits and Berries

Fruits and Berries

Fruits and Berries

In today’s era, being fit and healthy tops the priority list of almost everyone. Going for swift morning walks, regularly attending gyms, and going into highly recommended diets are all a part of it. When you tell someone you wish to lose weight or become healthy, the majority of people will start giving you advice on what you should avoid eating and what you should say goodbye to.

But did anyone ever tell you what you should eat?

No? Don’t worry; we have got your back.


I don’t think there’s anyone who does not realize the value of nourishment that fruits and berries provide our body. They are tiny bites of heaven that are super low in calories and super high in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Berries alone are widely known to improve blood sugar levels and lowering blood pressure and cholesterol!

Consuming at least one bowl of fruits in a day is always highly recommended. The best time to have fruits is in the morning, after a glass of water. Remember that eating fruits right after a meal is not suggested as it might hamper the proper digestion of food. You need a gap of at least 30 minutes between a meal and a fruit snack.

Fruits that are extremely good for your body are:

Apples have soluble fiber content that promotes weight loss and improves gut health. It also lowers the risk of suffering from major diseases like cancer and diabetes. An adult should eat at least 2 apples a day.

Avocados are like a hidden treasure of vitamins. It provides you with Vitamin C, E, K, and B-6 all at once! They are loaded with fiber and are known to reduce cholesterol levels. The antioxidants present in them are good for your eyes. ½ to 1 avocado per day is considered good for your skin and eyes.

The biggest quality of bananas is its diabetes-fighting properties. They contain a high content of Vitamin B-6 which strengthens the nervous systems and increases the production of white blood cells. It would be beneficial for your health to eat 2 bananas a day.

They may look tiny but are the heroes of the fruit family. They are a powerhouse of antioxidants and also boost immunity. They are rich in vitamin C which also reduces the risk of heart diseases. Daily, one serving of 100gm blueberries is good for your wellbeing.

They are tiny bite-sized fruits packed with vitamins, fiber, and high levels of antioxidants. They are good for your heart and controls diabetes along with acting as a good immunity booster. One cup of sliced; fresh strawberries, or 166gm can add a burst of sweetness to a healthful diet.

They are a good source of vitamin C, which is extremely useful for our health and skin. It has various skin-damage healing properties. It alkalizes the body and is also good for the heart. A cup of orange juice can boost the daily intake of potassium by 14%.

Other fruits:
There are numerous other fruits in existence that positively enhance our body and health, such as cherries, grapes, grapefruit, kiwifruit, lemons, mango, melons, olives, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, and raspberries, etc. Having fruits every day will refresh you and improve your health in a jiffy!

By | 2022-07-13T13:34:52+05:30 December 5th, 2020|food|0 Comments

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